Welcome Letter

Prayerful Greetings from Fr. Maria Joseph Kodiganti. On behalf of our St. Anthony community, we welcome you all to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. It’s a joy and pleasure to welcome you to our parish family. For over 150 years, St. Anthony Catholic Church has been serving the people of this area.  We are honored to have wonderful loving families as part of our parish. The rich faith and the traditions that we received from our forefathers are an important fabric of our parish life; therefore, we continue to share with everyone and work hard to pass them on to our younger generations. Over the past years, we have enjoyed continued growth by welcoming new members such as yourselves. We love and appreciate the involvement of all our parishioners. God has blessed us all with many gifts. Here, at the Church of St. Anthony, you have the opportunity to use those gifts in many ways. We have opportunities to get involved in liturgical, spiritual, educational, social and outreach ministries.

Here at St. Anthony of Padua, the "Eucharist" is the central focus of our parish life. It is always celebrated with reverence, attention, and devotion. We welcome your participation at our weekend Masses on Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 9:30 am as well as our daily Masses, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00 am. The whole mission of our parish is summed up in the statement, “St. Anthony Parish is a community of diverse cultures. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and responding to the call of Jesus, we strive to proclaim the Good News, build a community of love, celebrate the Liturgy and serve each other”.  We believe that it is no accident that you came to the Church of St. Anthony of Padua at this time. We believe that you are sent to us by God.

Please know that our doors are always opened and we are here to love and serve you. We invite you to please come and visit our parish anytime. We promise that you will witness firsthand, our loving and faithful community of believers. We look forward to meeting you in person. Please feel free to stop by or call @ (715) 588-3148;   or Fr. Maria Joseph is most often available and happy to be reached by cell phone at 715-614-8058.  

Gratefully in Christ,
Fr. Maria Joseph Kodiganti